Tuesday, 27 April 2020 22:30
Australian Amateur Repeater Maps
The following Australian Amateur Radio Repeater Maps display the locations of 10m, 6m, 2m, 70cm and 23cm repeaters, including 2m, 70cm and 23cm DMR, DSTAR, C4FM and P.25 repeaters.
The repeater callsigns, frequencies, ctcss and other details were obtained from the CSV file provided by the WIA, as linked from this page here: http://www.wia.org.au/members/repeaters/data/
The map data is current as of 12/12/2019. I will update the database upon notification of changes, however as I have not automated the process, it will be be updated on an ad-hoc basis.
Please be advised that some repeaters may be listed that do not physically exist or are not in operation. This is due to the callsign being listed in the WIA CSV file and having a valid ACMA license and site assignment. Also, some repeaters may not be shown on the map if there was no corresponding GPS location recorded for that repeater in the WIA database.
All additions, omissions and amendments to the repeater data should be reported to the WIA.
Click on the top-right map icon to expand the map to full screen on your browser.